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In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, but it's even more amazing than it sounds. God took the chaos of nothingness and organized it into something beautiful. He made outer space full of potential and filled it with planets and stars. He made the ocean and sky full of potential and filled them with birds and fish. He made the land full of potential and filled it with you and me. He made the whole universe full of potential and blessed us with the ability to fill it with beautiful things.


In "Ordered," everyone works together to bring order to the chaos. As a team, everyone works as fast as they can to match cards together with another teammate. After a quick hand gesture to ensure the match, the cards must be placed into their proper dwelling place—either the heavens, the waters, or the land. See how fast you and your friends can bring order to the chaos.



  • 54 Chaos cards
  • 3 Ordered cards
  • 1 Rulebook


2-6 Players | Ages 8+ | 10 Minutes


SKU: 002
    Line of Judah - How to Play

    Line of Judah - How to Play

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